Jatravelguide Logo


Happy To Guide You

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A brief preview of what the blog I made will contain. The images were shot in Myanmar, Hong Kong, Thailand and Vietnam. I adore the distinctive cultures and ambiance of every country I’ve traveled to. The world has so much to offer.
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Hong Kong
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The next adventure is waiting


If you look up “passion,” you will find definitions such as “about feelings, the motivation, and what makes us feel good, i.e. “do what you love.” The enthusiasm for travel and helping others drove the creation of the site.

Learn everything

Constructing a website with the nations I’ve visited and many more to come.  Giving you the greatest advice I discovered while traveling is the aim.  I enjoy minimalism, therefore I tried to make it as straightforward as I could while still giving you all the information you require. Consequently, your journey will be one to remember.

I Love To Explore New Worldwide Destinations.

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Meet The Founder


2015 I traveled for 18 months around Europe, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan and Australia. It was at this time that I first discovered the empowerment of traveling alone. Since then my life has revolved around traveling and Im trying to get to see as much of the world as possible. To share with you some of the discoveries I acquired while traveling, I created this website. Have fun exploring and discover new destinations  for your future journey. 

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