Best Time To VISIT
December - February
Getting around

1. St. Stephen's Cathedral
The Cathedral possesses 4 Towers. The South Tower, at 136.44 meters, is the tallest of these. There are 343 stairs that go up to the tower room, which has a vast view of Vienna. There are 13 bells hanging in all.
- Sightseeing
- Church
- Architecture

2. Christmas Market
Viennas first market was 1296 the “Krippenmarkt“. Nowadays more than 20 approved Adventmarkets now provide a wide selection of festive goods and delectable delicacies.
- Sightseeing
- Market

3. Hundertwasser House
The House is an apartment building that is always open to the public from the exterior. Visit the adjacent Kunst Haus Wien and the Hundertwasser Museum to learn more Hundertwasser.
- Sightseeing
- Architecture

4. Parliament
The decision to allow real estate development inside the Viennese defenses led to the urban renewal. That included the construction of the Parliament Building. In their place, opulent Homes developed.
- Sightseeing
- Architecture

5. Schönbrunn
A World Heritage Site from the 18th century. There are several Attractions, such as the stunning cabins, a sizable Zoo, a museum dedicated to carriages, a maze and enormous Fountains.
- Sightseeing
- Architecture

6. Ringstrasse
The length of Vienna‘s Ringstraße is 5.3 km. Long enough to accommodate multiple massive structures. Vienna’s most significant landmarks, from the Museum of Fine Arts to the Vienna State Opera.
- Sightseeing
- Architecture

7. Karlsplatz
The city of Vienna has recently taken initiatives to bolster the vibrancy of the cultural offerings at Karlsplatz. The numerous art events and performances offered throughout the year draw sizable crowds.
- Sightseeing
- Architecture

8. Donauinsel
A little Island was created when the Danube River was controlled in the last century. Today, it is for peoplw who wish to hang out and take a break from the fast paced city life, including cyclists, joggers, and inline skaters.
- Sightseeing
- Architecture
- Viewpoint

10. Kahlenberg
On Kahlenberg, the Austrians build St. Joseph’s Church. Today, the picturesque, winding Höhenstraße and a number of delightful hiking trails climb up to the mountain.
- Sightseeing
- Viewpoint

10. Top Attractions in Austria
- St. Stephen’s Cathedral
- Christmas Market
- Hundertwasser House
- Parliament
- Schönbrunn
- Ringstrasse
- Karlsplatz
- Donauinsel
- Hofburg
- Kahlenberg